Under new management and governance since May 2018, BSix is re-establishing its credentials as a successful place of learning following a period of decline when the size of the student body fell markedly, finances became problematic and successive inspection judgements of `Requires Improvement` sapped staff confidence. The task of resurrecting the college`s reputation is proceeding apace. Examination results in 2019 were the best ever achieved, applications from prospective students are increasing, finances are stabilising, and we can look forward to our next Ofsted visitation with cautious optimism.
Despite the various difficulties staff morale has remained high. There is huge commitment to doing as well as possible by our students who – in part because of the college`s historically low standing within its immediate environs – travel from all over London to attend. The recovery that has already been made over the past two years has been clearly recognised by our external masters – an Ofsted Monitoring Report, two FE Commissioner Stocktake Reports, a series of auditor statements, the testimony of the Education and Skills Funding Agency and other official scrutinising bodies have all vouched for the major improvements which have been effected in a very short-time. Anyone joining the college now does so at a key point in its development when this renewed promise and these first moves forward must be turned into lasting achievement.
If you enjoy a challenge and are attracted by the prospect of working in a comprehensive multi-cultural London college, we would like to hear from you. If successful in gaining a position, you would join an institution hugely committed to supporting the learning and development of its staff as well as its students. Leadership is ambitious but supportive and fair-minded; the prevailing culture is open and responsive to staff need; honest mistakes are sympathetically dealt with – only laziness and sloppiness are beyond the leadership pale. This is a good place to gain experiences, hone existing skills and acquire new competences.
Kenninghall Rd, London
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