To be a beacon of educational excellence transforming the lives of the individuals and communities we serve
Wigan & Leigh College is committed to creating an environment where learners, staff, governors, visitors and other stakeholders actively promote equality and diversity, tackle bullying and discrimination and narrow the achievement gap.
The College wants to ensure learners have excellent experiences that ensure they are well equipped for the next stage of their education, training and/or employment.
Strategic Vision
We consult with our stakeholders when reviewing our educational character, mission and headline strategy to ensure that our stakeholders’ views are considered when the college’s Strategic Plan is prepared. We do this by making drafts of the Plan available to our staff, our students and our governors and asking them for their views. Feedback provided is then used in the formation of the Strategic Plan. The current Strategic Plan can be accessed below.
Find out more about our Strategic Vision
AoCJobs, part of the Association of Colleges, connects teachers and support staff with schools and colleges for online job opportunities.