Help and Support - We all need help sometimes, that's why if you need support with either our AoC Jobs Board or our iOS AoC Jobs App, please email us at [email protected] and use ‘AoC Jobs Support’ as the subject line for your email.
Comments and Feedback - We think we are different from other job boards and like to treat our users with care and welcome your comments and feedback. Please email us on [email protected] and use ‘AoC Jobs Feedback’ as the subject line for your email.
Please note: Our office hours are 8.30am to 5.30pm, Monday to Friday excluding public holidays.
Visit our Recruiter Site to find out more about how AoC Jobs can help you to recruit the best candidates for your education institution, as well as details on the range of cost-effective job adverts, packages and licences that you can purchase from us.
Alternatively, please contact one of our helpful sales team on the details below and they will be able to provide you with more information and advise you on the best options for your recruitment needs.
Tel: 020 7034 2634
Email: [email protected]
Please note: Our office hours are 8.30am to 5.30pm, Monday to Friday excluding public holidays.
To contact us about any News stories you would like us to publish or if you would like to take part in one of our features such as Day in the Life or Secret Lecturer.
Contact us by email at [email protected]
AoC Jobs is part of AoC Create.
AoC Create Ltd is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Association of Colleges. Registered in England and Wales.
Registered number 02952696
AoCJobs, part of the Association of Colleges, connects teachers and support staff with schools and colleges for online job opportunities.