We offer a range of exciting apprenticeships Apprenticeships where students can earn whilst they learn. Many of our apprentices have gone on to forge successful careers here at the college.
Success Story - Ellie Marsh
What led you to apply for an apprenticeship?
Once I had completed my Level 3 college course, I was not 100% sure I wanted to progress on to university so an apprenticeship seemed like the best option so that I could get on-the-job experience and earn whilst also continuing my education.
Which apprenticeship did you apply for?
Level 3 Digital Marketing Apprenticeship
What experiences and training did you gain during your apprenticeship at the College?
Working at the College during my apprenticeship gave me a wide range of opportunities. I did not only complete the course with my Level 3 qualification but I learned a lot from working in a professional marketing environment and received training from both internal and external providers on a variety of topics such as photography, copywriting, social media etc.
Do you think you would be working at the same level as you are now if you hadn’t been an apprentice?
I know that without the completion of my apprenticeship I would not be working at the level that I am currently. Working as part of a team and learning from my colleagues who have been working in the field for a number of years has been invaluable. They have helped me to build my knowledge, learn new skills and gain valuable experience.
What is your current role at the College?
I am now currently a Digital Marketing Assistant at the college. I love my job and get to carry out lots of enjoyable tasks including, designing adverts, social media posts, Tik Tok videos, photography and helping with college events.
What are your aspirations for the future?
I am currently undertaking a higher level qualification at the college in Business. In the future I hope to further my marketing career at the college.
AoCJobs, part of the Association of Colleges, connects teachers and support staff with schools and colleges for online job opportunities.