The South West College operates in four campuses in Cookstown, Dungannon, Enniskillen and Omagh and, of the six new area based colleges, it is the smallest in size, but arguably, covers the largest geographical area of counties Tyrone and Fermanagh.
As a result of this merger, there is now an opportunity to enlarge and expand the curriculum offers to support the regional and local economy. The College aims to provide a caring and supportive environment for all learners and a professional business-like relationship with all employers and other external stakeholders. The South West College strives to provide a quality product to all its students and will continue to work closely with the community in which it serves.
The South West College has 18,500 student enrolments, is involved in a number of European projects, and has a staffing complement of 479 full-time staff and a similar number of part-time staff and a budget of £35M.
South west college
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